Happy Sunday everybody. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.... it is almost over here and we had a busy day today. No cards to show today but some tasty morsels. At our church we had our annual International food day. Usually we have it at the end of July which is still winter here in SA. For various reasons it was moved to today and what a change to lovely sunny summer weather almost too hot. Temp today was 28deg. C. With having a Dutch husband, we have always been running the Dutch food stall. Why I mention the weather is because, for anyone that knows... The Netherlands in the winter is cold and erwtensoep (pea soup) is most welcome, as are oliebollen ( a kind of doughnut) which are specially eaten on old year's night. So are you with me, winter.... and today was summer... 28deg. We had been more or less COMMANDED to make pea soup and the usual oliebollen, so... that's what we did. It wasn't too bad and everyone enjoyed it and we all had fun. So till next year maybe winter or ......summer.....